Hold B button - Move the Wiimote up and down to scroll through the list quickly. LowLines for the Homebrew Browser v0. For more information about HBB and developments visit: www. Need help with running homebrew on your Wii? Wii with an internet connection. Download all your apps to an SD card from your Wii. Computer Download the Homebrew Browser and extract the folder to the apps folder on the SD card.
Wii Boot the Homebrew Browser. After it connects to WiFi, you get to the main menu. Downloading apps is easy. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content The homebrew browser is one of the most useful homebrew applications, it allows you to access and download an abundance of homebrew applications all from your Nintendo Wii.
Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Again, thank you for helping me!!! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. You can view this guide which shows how to use the Homebrew Browser. If there is no icon. I will stick to the folder names used when you extract each homebrew application. Folders with spaces will be replaced with underscores.
If your files don't come in a folder, then a folder name will be created. If your homebrew application used a folder name before HBB and you've updated your application, the user will notice that there is an update to your application.
An example is MAsteroids. The game was developed before HBB. Lets say that the game gets updated.